Name | ULID | Department(s) |
Angela Almeda | aaalmed | Health Sci |
Alicia Wodika | abwodik | Health Sci |
Aimee Ott | aeott | Communication |
Alex Stephenson | aestep1 | School of Music |
Ann Haugo | ahaugo | Theatre & Dance |
Angelo Favis | alfavis | School of Music |
Amanda Webster | alwebs1 | Chemistry |
Amanda Martin | amarti7 | Biolog Scien |
Andrea Crimmins | amcrimm | School of Music |
Allison Kroesch | amkroes | Special Ed |
Aaron Paolucci | ampaolu | Creative Tech Theatre & Dance |
Abdelmounaam Rezgui | arezgui | Sch Info Tech |
Antony Joseph | arjosep | Comm Sciences |
Amelia Buragas | asburag | Politics Govern |
Andrea Downie | asdowni | Creative Tech |
Alyssa Seeman | aseeman | Comm Sciences |
Albert Stabler | astable | School of Art |
Annie Sungkajun | asungka | Creative Tech |
Anthony Lorsbach | awlorsb | Sch Teach Learn |
Amy Yacucci | ayacucc | Comm Sciences |
Brent Simonds | bksimon | Communication |
Becky Braun | blbraun | Comm Sciences |
Bruce Burningham | brburni | Lang Lit Cltr |
Barbara Ribbens | bribben | Management |
Barbi Smyser-Fauble | bssmyse | English |
Charles Bell | cabell6 | Crim Just Sci |
Chelsea Boyer | cakuehn | Kines & Rec |
Christine Hansen | casmelt | School of Music |
Cristen Monson | cbmonso | Theatre & Dance |
Christopher De Santis | ccdesan | English |
Christine Fary | cefary | School of Music |
Christopher Gjesfjeld | cgjesfj | Sch of Soc Work |
Christopher Hamaker | chamake | Chemistry |
Christopher Hamilton | chamil2 | Sch of Soc Work |
Christopher Horvath | chorvath | Philosophy |
Corinne Malone | cjharr2 | Agriculture |
Chung-Chih Li | cli2 | Sch Info Tech |
Cassie Herbert | cmherb1 | Philosophy |
Ciera Lorio | cmlorio | Comm Sciences |
Christopher Mulligan | cmullig | Chemistry |
Christopher Tamm | ctamm | Fin Insur & Law |
David Sanford | dasanfo | Military Sci |
David Barker | dbarker | Mathematics |
Dagmar Budikova | dbudiko | Geog - Geol |
David Grieshaber | dcgries | Health Sci |
Jody Decremer | decremer | Creative Tech |
David Sanson | desanso | Philosophy |
Dianne Gardner | dgardne | Ed Adm & Found |
Duriel Harris | dharri2 | English |
Daniel Cox | dlcox8 | Creative Tech |
Donna Selman | dlselma | Crim Just Sci |
Daphyne Walker | dlwalke | Kines & Rec |
Deborah MacPhee | dmacphe | Sch Teach Learn |
Danielle Lillge | dmlillg | English |
Dimitrios Nikolaou | dnikola | Economics |
Diane Dean | drdean | Ed Adm & Found |
Derek O'Connell | drocon1 | Philosophy |
Duleep Delpechitre | dsdelpe | Marketing |
Darby Wilde | dswilde | Theatre & Dance |
David Marx | dtmarx | Physics |
Elke Altenburger | ealtenb | Fmly & Cons Sci |
Elisabeth Friedman | efriedm | School of Art |
Elahe Javadi | ejavadi | Sch Info Tech |
Elizabeth Chupp | elchupp | Communication |
Emily Jones | emjone1 | Kines & Rec |
Elke Segelcke | esegelc | Lang Lit Cltr |
Elizabeth Skinner | eskinne | Sch Teach Learn |
Erol Sozen | esozen | Fmly & Cons Sci |
Elizabeth Lugg | etlugg | Ed Adm & Found |
Fuxia Cheng | fcheng | Mathematics |
Fanson Kidwaro | fmkidwa | Agriculture |
George Waters | gawater | Economics |
Gardenia Harris | gharris | Sch of Soc Work |
Guang Jin | gjin | Health Sci |
Gary Cates | glcates | Psychology |
Gina Hunter | glhunt2 | Anthropology |
Grace Kang | gykang | Sch Teach Learn |
Heidi Verticchio | hrfritz | Comm Sciences |
Intan Suwandi | ifsuwan | Soc |
Irenea Walker | ilwalke | Sch Teach Learn |
Ingrid Brown | imbrow1 | Sch of Soc Work |
Iuliia Tetteh | iproto1 | Agriculture |
Jordyn Breast | jabreas | Fmly & Cons Sci |
Jeffrey Walsh | jawalsh | Crim Just Sci |
Jennifer Banning | jbannin | Fmly & Cons Sci |
Susan Chen | jchen4 | Economics |
John Kostelnick | jckoste | Geog - Geol |
Javier del Barco Trillo | jdelbar | Biolog Scien |
Jacklyn Weier | jgweier | Wmn & Gndr St |
Jeritt Williams | jjwilli | Technology |
Jared Ewonus | jkewonu | Theatre & Dance |
Julius Narh | jknarh | Biolog Scien |
John Rugutt | jkrugut | Ed Adm & Found |
Jonathan Shapiro | jkshapi | Politics Govern |
Joon Ho Lim | jlim12 | Marketing |
Jessie Krienert | jlkrien | Crim Just Sci |
Jennifer Peterson | jlpete2 | Health Sci |
Jill Bisco | jmbisco | Fin Insur & Law |
Julie Campbell | jmcamp9 | Psychology |
Jonathan Druker | jmdruke | Lang Lit Cltr |
Joy Vought | jmvought | School of Music |
Jin Park | jpark50 | Kines & Rec |
Justin Bergfield | jpbergf | Physics |
Jillian Kouzel | jrkouze | School of Music |
John Miller | jrmill3 | School of Art |
Jean Sawyer | jsawyer | Comm Sciences |
Jennifer Howell | jthowel | Lang Lit Cltr |
Jennifer Tobias | jtobias | Mathematics |
Jose Antonio Villaran | jvill19 | English |
Jing Wang | jwang77 | Elec Eng |
Kristin Carlson | kacarl1 | Creative Tech |
Kevin Ahlgrim | kahlgri | Fin Insur & Law |
Keith Pluymers | kdpluym | History |
Kathleen Hopper | khopper | Communication |
Karen Mark | kimark | Psychology |
Kathy Mountjoy | kjmount | Business Ed Marketing |
Keri Edwards | kledwar | Fmly & Cons Sci |
Katie Fisher | klfish2 | English |
kathryn jasper | kljaspe | History |
Katherine Krcmarik | klkrcma | School of Art |
Kathryn Sheridan | kmsher2 | Sch of Soc Work |
Kristine Young | kmyou13 | Accounting |
Katherine Peeples | knpeepl | Special Ed |
Ryan Gray | krgray2 | Anthropology Soc |
Kathryn Sampeck | ksampec | Anthropology |
Klaus Schmidt | kschmid | Technology |
Kelly Clemens | ksclem1 | Psychology |
Karen Stipp | ksstipp | Sch of Soc Work |
Linsay DeMartino | lademar | Ed Adm & Found |
Laura Edwards | lcedwar | Lang Lit Cltr |
Lidia Huerta | lhuert1 | Comm Sciences |
Laurie Helms | ljhelms1 | Sch Info Tech |
Laura Roehm | ljroehm | Sch of Soc Work |
Lydia Kyei-Blankson | lkyeibl | Ed Adm & Found |
Lance Lippert | llipper | Communication |
Lisa Tranel | ltranel | Geog - Geol |
Maria Boerngen | maboern | Agriculture |
Mohamed Nur-Awaleh | manuraw | Ed Adm & Found |
Matthew Smith | mbsmith | Creative Tech |
Michael Dougherty | mdoughe | Soc |
Marie Labonville | melabon | School of Music |
Maggie Morris Davis | memorr3 | English |
Marla Reese-Weber | mjreese | Fmly & Cons Sci |
Mark Hoelscher | mlhoels | Management |
Min Yu Liao | mliao | Fin Insur & Law |
Megan Taylor | mltayl3 | Kines & Rec |
Montserrat Mir | mmir1 | Lang Lit Cltr |
Megan Patterson | mpatte5 | Crim Just Sci |
Micheal Rowley | mprowl1 | Fmly & Cons Sci |
Nobuko Adachi | nadachi | Anthropology |
Natalie Schaad | naschaa | Soc |
Nathan Stephens | nsteph2 | Sch of Soc Work |
Patrick McNulty | pamcnul | Health Sci |
Pamela Hoff | phoff | Ed Adm & Found |
Pruthikrai Mahatanankoon | pmahata | Sch Info Tech |
Perry Schoon | pschoon | Ed Adm & Found |
Papa Sissokho | psissok | Mathematics |
Qichang Su | qcsu | Physics |
Rachel Gramer | ragrame | English |
Rebecca Hayes | rahayes | Communication |
Rebecca Saunders | rasaund | English |
Richard Hughes | rhughes | History |
Rachel Levy | rjlevy | English |
Razelyn Steward | rlstew2 | Technology |
Rosanne Marshack | rmarsha | Creative Tech School of Music |
Raymond Bergner | rmbergn | Psychology |
Rachel Bowden | rmbowde | Biolog Scien |
Ronald Gifford | rmgiffo | History |
Richard Valentin | rnvalen | Creative Tech |
Rudra Prasad Baksi | rpbaksi | Sch Info Tech |
Robert Rhykerd | rrhyker | Agriculture |
Salil Bavdekar | sabavde | Mech Eng |
Sara Jones | sajone6 | Sch Teach Learn |
Sarah Boesdorfer | sbboesd | Chemistry |
Sunil Chebolu | schebol | Mathematics |
Sara Waters | sewater | Biolog Scien |
Sharon Jerome | sjerome | Sch Info Tech |
Steven Peters | sjpeter | Chemistry |
Sabine Khalil | skhali2 | Accounting |
Stephanie Brodnick | smbrodn | Mathematics |
Susan Kalter | smkalte | English |
Stacy Otto | sotto | Ed Adm & Found |
Shawn Hitchcock | srhitch | Chemistry |
Scott Seeman | sseeman | Comm Sciences |
Sarah Smelser | ssmelse | School of Art |
James Stanlaw | stanlaw | Anthropology |
Shengtian Wu | swu1234 | Psychology |
Traci Carte | tacart3 | Sch Info Tech |
Tim Fredstrom | tcfreds | School of Music |
Thomas McClure | temcclu | Politics Govern |
Toure Reed | tfreed | History |
Theodore Branoff | tjbrano | Technology |
Troy Blunier | tlbluni | Technology |
Tracy Hanson | tlwarne | Crim Just Sci |
thomas hammond | tmhammo | Biolog Scien |
Thomas Critchfield | tscritc | Psychology |
Te-Yu Wang | tywang | Politics Govern |
Umar Iqbal | uiqbal1 | Elec Eng |
Vijaya Kumar Devabhaktuni | vdevabh | Elec Eng |
Victor Devinatz | vgdevin | Management |
Veronique Parmenter | vlparme | Sch Info Tech |
William McBride | wmcbrid | English |
Wolfgang Stein | wstein | Biolog Scien |
Xing Wang | xwang70 | Mathematics |
Yongmei Bally | yliu2 | Management |
Yi Ren | yren3 | Accounting |
Yongning Tang | ytang | Sch Info Tech |