List of Users

Adam Julianatjulia
Tony Waughdawaugh
Danielle Lindseydelinds
Roger Bairdrdbaird
Richard Stillwellrstillw
Rob Dwyerrtdwyer
Theresa Sancheztasanch
Form Viewers
Amy Hurdarhurd
Crystal Nourieclnouri
Danielle Lindseydelinds
Joshua Newportjcnewpo
Jean Sawyerjsawyer
Stacy Ramseysrramse
Theresa Sancheztasanch
UCC Chair (or Signing Authority)
Joshua Newportjcnewpo
UCC Members
Alyssa Henkeaghenke
Aaron Paolucciampaolu
Danielle Lindseydelinds
Elke Altenburgerealtenb
Elizabeth Sattlereasattl
Fuxia Chengfcheng
Susan Chenjchen4
Joshua Newportjcnewpo
kathryn jasperkljaspe
Lisa Tranelltranel
Michelle Grempmagremp
Robert Shorterrlshor2
Thomas Howetshowe
Xiaoying Zhaoxzhao17
UCC Executive Secretary (or Signing Authority)
Amy Hurdarhurd
UCC Secretary
Danielle Lindseydelinds
Theresa Sancheztasanch
GCC Chair (or Signing Authority)
Elizabeth Thompsonemthom4
Stephen Weisersmweis1
GCC Members
Beth MacDonaldblmacd1
Elizabeth Thompsonemthom4
Eric Petersonewpeter
Jennifer Barnesjlbarn2
Kim Shennettkeshenne
Mary Dyckmjdyck
Min Yu Liaomliao
Stephen Weisersmweis1
Graduate School (or Signing Authority)
Stephen Weisersmweis1
Professional Practice Director (or Signing Authority)
Pamela Cooperpjcoope
Department Chairs (or Signing Authority)
Aimee OttaeottCommunication
Ann HaugoahaugoTheatre & Dance
Alycia HundamhundPsychology
Adriana RansomaransomSchool of Music
Amy HurdarhurdInter Studies
Benton Duncanbldunc1Mathematics
Christopher HorvathchorvathPhilosophy
David GrieshaberdcgriesHealth Sci
Danielle LindseydelindsNon-Acad Unit
Daniel HollanddlhollaPhysics
Donna SelmandlselmaCrim Just Sci
Dimitrios NikolaoudnikolaEconomics
Erin MikulecemikuleSch Teach Learn
Eric PetersonewpeterGeog - Geol
Gardenia HarrisgharrisSch of Soc Work
George Barnesglbarn3Chemistry
Gary HunterglhunteMarketing Business Ed
Joseph Johnstonjajohn6Accounting
Juliet LyndjlyndLang Lit Cltr
Joan BrehmjmbrehmAnthropology Soc
James Scottjmscott6Politics Govern
Joseph BlaneyjrblaneAgriculture
Jerome JordanjsjordaPsychology
Kevin AhlgrimkahlgriFin Insur & Law
Katherine PattersonkeellisEnglish
Kraig Klinekmkline2Military Sci
Linda ClemmonslmclemmHonors
Matthew AldemanmaldemaEngineering
Maura Toro-MornmitmornLatino Studies
Mary DyckmjdyckMenn Coll Nurse
Marla Reese-WebermjreeseFmly & Cons Sci
Melinda Finchmmfinc1Menn Coll Nurse
McLoddy KadyamusumamrkadyaComm Sciences
Nesrin OzalpnozalpMech Eng
Noelle SelkownselkowKines & Rec
Rudo TsemunhuretsemuEd Adm & Found
Richard HughesrhughesHistory
Ross KennedyrkennedHistory
Rosanne MarshackrmarshaCreative Tech
Rachel BowdenrmbowdeBiolog Scien
Somnath LahirislahiriManagement
Susan Watkinssmwatk2Menn Coll Nurse
Steven KrippelswkrippMilitary Sci
Traci Cartetacart3Sch Info Tech
Theresa SancheztasanchNon-Acad Unit
Theodore BranofftjbranoTechnology
Tyler LotztlotzSchool of Art
Terry NoeltnoelMBA Business Intl Business
Vijaya Kumar DevabhaktunivdevabhElec Eng
Yojanna Cuenca-CarlinoycuencaSpecial Ed
College Deans (or Signing Authority)
Amy HurdarhurdOther
Chad McEvoycdmcevoApplied Sci. and Tech.
Cara Rabe-HempcerabeApplied Sci. and Tech.
Dallas LongdlongOther
Heather DillawayhedillaArts & Science
Janet TulleyjatulleFine Arts
Judy NeubranderjlneubrNursing
Matthew AldemanmaldemaEngineering
Ryan BrownrbrownEducation
Rocio RivadeneyrarrivadeArts & Science
Stacey BocksjbockEducation
Susan Watkinssmwatk2Nursing
Scott IrelansrirelaFine Arts
Todd McLodatamclodEducation
Thomas KeysertkkeyseEngineering
Teresa FowlertmfowleApplied Sci. and Tech.
Terry NoeltnoelBusiness
Academic Senate Chair (or Signing Authority)
Kevin Pickettkpicket
Martha Horstmchorst
Academic Senate Members
Kevin Pickettkpicket
Dept. Curriculum Committee Chairs (or Signing Authority)
Allison MeyeraameyerSch Teach Learn
Angelo FavisalfavisSchool of Music
Amy WoodalwoodHistory
Amy HurdarhurdInter Studies
Christopher GjesfjeldcgjesfjSch of Soc Work
Christopher HorvathchorvathPhilosophy
David BarkerdbarkerMathematics
Dianne RenndcrennEd Adm & Found
Danielle LindseydelindsNon-Acad Unit
Dimitrios NikolaoudnikolaEconomics
Duleep DelpechitredsdelpeMarketing Business Ed
David MarxdtmarxPhysics
Drew LugardwlugarAgriculture
Elahe JavadiejavadiSch Info Tech
Elzbieta Przybyloemprzy1English
Erol SozenesozenFmly & Cons Sci
Gregory CornessgjcorneCreative Tech
Gregory Millerglmill1Anthropology
Patxi Lascurain IbarluceailascurLang Lit Cltr
Susan Chenjchen4Economics
John KostelnickjckosteGeog - Geol
Jon FriesenjfrieseChemistry
Jeritt WilliamsjjwilliTechnology
Jeongae Kangjkang16Special Ed
Jill BiscojmbiscoFin Insur & Law
Jennine Harvey-Northropjmharv2Comm Sciences
Julie JungjmjungEnglish
James Scottjmscott6Politics Govern
Jazmyn Niembazaajnthoma6Crim Just Sci
Kent WalstromkawalstAccounting
Kirsten ClerkinkclerkiMenn Coll Nurse
Katherine KrcmarikklkrcmaSchool of Art
Kraig Klinekmkline2Military Sci
Kristina FalbeknfalbeSch Teach Learn
Karen StippksstippSch of Soc Work
Livia StonelkstoneAnthropology
Lisa TranelltranelGeog - Geol
Md Shahin Alammalam5Elec Eng
Matthew AldemanmaldemaEngineering
Maura Toro-MornmitmornLatino Studies
Michael VeteremjveterTheatre & Dance
Meridee VandraskamrustHealth Sci
Nesrin OzalpnozalpMech Eng
Nathan HartmannshartmManagement
Rebecca HayesrahayesCommunication
Rudo TsemunhuretsemuEd Adm & Found
Raymond BergnerrmbergnPsychology
Rocio RivadeneyrarrivadeHonors
Rachel ShivelyrshivelLang Lit Cltr
Sarah BoesdorfersbboesdChemistry
Susan Watkinssmwatk2Menn Coll Nurse
Theresa SancheztasanchNon-Acad Unit
Tyler KybartastjkybarKines & Rec
Terry NoeltnoelBusiness MBA Intl Business
Te-Yu WangtywangPolitics Govern
Wade NicholswanichoBiolog Scien
Winfred AvogowavogoSoc
College Curriculum Committee Chairs (or Signing Authority)
Amy HurdarhurdOther
Annie SungkajunasungkaFine Arts
Elizabeth WhiteeswhiteEducation
Janet TulleyjatulleFine Arts
Matthew AldemanmaldemaEngineering
Mohamed Nur-AwalehmanurawEducation
Mona BahlmbahlBusiness
Micheal Rowleymprowl1Applied Sci. and Tech.
Susan Watkinssmwatk2Nursing
Thomas KeysertkkeyseEngineering
Todd StewarttstewarArts & Science
Dept. Curriculum Committee Members
Angela AlmedaaaalmedHealth Sci
Alicia WodikaabwodikHealth Sci
Aimee OttaeottCommunication
Alex Stephensonaestep1School of Music
Ann HaugoahaugoTheatre & Dance
Angelo FavisalfavisSchool of Music
Amanda Websteralwebs1Chemistry
Amanda Martinamarti7Biolog Scien
Andrea CrimminsamcrimmSchool of Music
Allison KroeschamkroesSpecial Ed
Aaron PaolucciampaoluCreative Tech Theatre & Dance
Abdelmounaam RezguiarezguiSch Info Tech
Antony JosepharjosepComm Sciences
Amelia BuragasasburagPolitics Govern
Andrea DownieasdowniCreative Tech
Alyssa SeemanaseemanComm Sciences
Albert StablerastableSchool of Art
Annie SungkajunasungkaCreative Tech
Anthony LorsbachawlorsbSch Teach Learn
Amy YacucciayacuccComm Sciences
Brent SimondsbksimonCommunication
Becky BraunblbraunComm Sciences
Bruce BurninghambrburniLang Lit Cltr
Barbara RibbensbribbenManagement
Barbi Smyser-FaublebssmyseEnglish
Charles Bellcabell6Crim Just Sci
Chelsea BoyercakuehnKines & Rec
Christine HansencasmeltSchool of Music
Cristen MonsoncbmonsoTheatre & Dance
Christopher De SantisccdesanEnglish
Christine FarycefarySchool of Music
Christopher GjesfjeldcgjesfjSch of Soc Work
Christopher HamakerchamakeChemistry
Christopher Hamiltonchamil2Sch of Soc Work
Christopher HorvathchorvathPhilosophy
Corinne Malonecjharr2Agriculture
Chung-Chih Licli2Sch Info Tech
Cassie Herbertcmherb1Philosophy
Ciera LoriocmlorioComm Sciences
Christopher MulligancmulligChemistry
Christopher TammctammFin Insur & Law
David SanforddasanfoMilitary Sci
David BarkerdbarkerMathematics
Dagmar BudikovadbudikoGeog - Geol
David GrieshaberdcgriesHealth Sci
Jody DecremerdecremerCreative Tech
David SansondesansoPhilosophy
Dianne GardnerdgardneEd Adm & Found
Duriel Harrisdharri2English
Daniel Coxdlcox8Creative Tech
Donna SelmandlselmaCrim Just Sci
Daphyne WalkerdlwalkeKines & Rec
Deborah MacPheedmacpheSch Teach Learn
Danielle LillgedmlillgEnglish
Dimitrios NikolaoudnikolaEconomics
Diane DeandrdeanEd Adm & Found
Derek O'Connelldrocon1Philosophy
Duleep DelpechitredsdelpeMarketing
Darby WildedswildeTheatre & Dance
David MarxdtmarxPhysics
Elke AltenburgerealtenbFmly & Cons Sci
Elisabeth FriedmanefriedmSchool of Art
Elahe JavadiejavadiSch Info Tech
Elizabeth ChuppelchuppCommunication
Emily Jonesemjone1Kines & Rec
Elke SegelckeesegelcLang Lit Cltr
Elizabeth SkinnereskinneSch Teach Learn
Erol SozenesozenFmly & Cons Sci
Elizabeth LuggetluggEd Adm & Found
Fuxia ChengfchengMathematics
Fanson KidwarofmkidwaAgriculture
George WatersgawaterEconomics
Gardenia HarrisgharrisSch of Soc Work
Guang JingjinHealth Sci
Gary CatesglcatesPsychology
Gina Hunterglhunt2Anthropology
Grace KanggykangSch Teach Learn
Heidi VerticchiohrfritzComm Sciences
Intan SuwandiifsuwanSoc
Irenea WalkerilwalkeSch Teach Learn
Ingrid Brownimbrow1Sch of Soc Work
Iuliia Tettehiproto1Agriculture
Jordyn BreastjabreasFmly & Cons Sci
Jeffrey WalshjawalshCrim Just Sci
Jennifer BanningjbanninFmly & Cons Sci
Susan Chenjchen4Economics
John KostelnickjckosteGeog - Geol
Javier del Barco TrillojdelbarBiolog Scien
Jacklyn WeierjgweierWmn & Gndr St
Jeritt WilliamsjjwilliTechnology
Jared EwonusjkewonuTheatre & Dance
Julius NarhjknarhBiolog Scien
John RuguttjkrugutEd Adm & Found
Jonathan ShapirojkshapiPolitics Govern
Joon Ho Limjlim12Marketing
Jessie KrienertjlkrienCrim Just Sci
Jennifer Petersonjlpete2Health Sci
Jill BiscojmbiscoFin Insur & Law
Julie Campbelljmcamp9Psychology
Jonathan DrukerjmdrukeLang Lit Cltr
Joy VoughtjmvoughtSchool of Music
Jin Parkjpark50Kines & Rec
Justin BergfieldjpbergfPhysics
Jillian KouzeljrkouzeSchool of Music
John Millerjrmill3School of Art
Jean SawyerjsawyerComm Sciences
Jennifer HowelljthowelLang Lit Cltr
Jennifer TobiasjtobiasMathematics
Jose Antonio Villaranjvill19English
Jing Wangjwang77Elec Eng
Kristin Carlsonkacarl1Creative Tech
Kevin AhlgrimkahlgriFin Insur & Law
Keith PluymerskdpluymHistory
Kathleen HopperkhopperCommunication
Karen MarkkimarkPsychology
Kathy MountjoykjmountBusiness Ed Marketing
Keri EdwardskledwarFmly & Cons Sci
Katie Fisherklfish2English
kathryn jasperkljaspeHistory
Katherine KrcmarikklkrcmaSchool of Art
Kathryn Sheridankmsher2Sch of Soc Work
Kristine Youngkmyou13Accounting
Katherine PeeplesknpeeplSpecial Ed
Ryan Graykrgray2Anthropology Soc
Kathryn SampeckksampecAnthropology
Klaus SchmidtkschmidTechnology
Kelly Clemensksclem1Psychology
Karen StippksstippSch of Soc Work
Linsay DeMartinolademarEd Adm & Found
Laura EdwardslcedwarLang Lit Cltr
Lidia Huertalhuert1Comm Sciences
Laurie Helmsljhelms1Sch Info Tech
Laura RoehmljroehmSch of Soc Work
Lydia Kyei-BlanksonlkyeiblEd Adm & Found
Lance LippertllipperCommunication
Lisa TranelltranelGeog - Geol
Maria BoerngenmaboernAgriculture
Mohamed Nur-AwalehmanurawEd Adm & Found
Matthew SmithmbsmithCreative Tech
Michael DoughertymdougheSoc
Marie LabonvillemelabonSchool of Music
Maggie Morris Davismemorr3English
Marla Reese-WebermjreeseFmly & Cons Sci
Mark HoelschermlhoelsManagement
Min Yu LiaomliaoFin Insur & Law
Megan Taylormltayl3Kines & Rec
Montserrat Mirmmir1Lang Lit Cltr
Megan Pattersonmpatte5Crim Just Sci
Micheal Rowleymprowl1Fmly & Cons Sci
Nobuko AdachinadachiAnthropology
Natalie SchaadnaschaaSoc
Nathan Stephensnsteph2Sch of Soc Work
Patrick McNultypamcnulHealth Sci
Pamela HoffphoffEd Adm & Found
Pruthikrai MahatanankoonpmahataSch Info Tech
Perry SchoonpschoonEd Adm & Found
Papa SissokhopsissokMathematics
Qichang SuqcsuPhysics
Rachel GramerragrameEnglish
Rebecca HayesrahayesCommunication
Rebecca SaundersrasaundEnglish
Richard HughesrhughesHistory
Rachel LevyrjlevyEnglish
Razelyn Stewardrlstew2Technology
Rosanne MarshackrmarshaCreative Tech School of Music
Raymond BergnerrmbergnPsychology
Rachel BowdenrmbowdeBiolog Scien
Ronald GiffordrmgiffoHistory
Richard ValentinrnvalenCreative Tech
Rudra Prasad BaksirpbaksiSch Info Tech
Robert RhykerdrrhykerAgriculture
Salil BavdekarsabavdeMech Eng
Sara Jonessajone6Sch Teach Learn
Sarah BoesdorfersbboesdChemistry
Sunil CheboluschebolMathematics
Sara WaterssewaterBiolog Scien
Sharon JeromesjeromeSch Info Tech
Steven PeterssjpeterChemistry
Sabine Khalilskhali2Accounting
Stephanie BrodnicksmbrodnMathematics
Susan KaltersmkalteEnglish
Stacy OttosottoEd Adm & Found
Shawn HitchcocksrhitchChemistry
Scott SeemansseemanComm Sciences
Sarah SmelserssmelseSchool of Art
James StanlawstanlawAnthropology
Shengtian Wuswu1234Psychology
Traci Cartetacart3Sch Info Tech
Tim FredstromtcfredsSchool of Music
Thomas McCluretemccluPolitics Govern
Toure ReedtfreedHistory
Theodore BranofftjbranoTechnology
Troy BluniertlbluniTechnology
Tracy HansontlwarneCrim Just Sci
thomas hammondtmhammoBiolog Scien
Thomas CritchfieldtscritcPsychology
Te-Yu WangtywangPolitics Govern
Umar Iqbaluiqbal1Elec Eng
Vijaya Kumar DevabhaktunivdevabhElec Eng
Victor DevinatzvgdevinManagement
Veronique ParmentervlparmeSch Info Tech
William McBridewmcbridEnglish
Wolfgang SteinwsteinBiolog Scien
Xing Wangxwang70Mathematics
Yongmei Ballyyliu2Management
Yi Renyren3Accounting
Yongning TangytangSch Info Tech
College Curriculum Committee Members
Aditya Guptaagupt16Business
Alan LessoffahlessoArts & Science
Fusun AkmanakmanfArts & Science
Allison KroeschamkroesEducation
Andrea DownieasdowniFine Arts
Annie SungkajunasungkaFine Arts
Abhishek VarmaavarmaBusiness
Benjamin WellenreiterbrwelleEducation
Cara Rabe-HempcerabeApplied Sci. and Tech.
Carl PalmerclpalmeArts & Science
Denice Mastersdlmast2Arts & Science
Debbie SheldendlsheldEducation
Damien CannavandmcannaBusiness
Elizabeth WhiteeswhiteEducation
Gregory CornessgjcorneFine Arts
Guang JingjinApplied Sci. and Tech.
Ginnifer SmithglsmithBusiness
Janet TulleyjatulleFine Arts
John CuttingjccuttiEngineering
John HookerjfhookeArts & Science
John RuguttjkrugutEducation
Jaby MohammedjmohammApplied Sci. and Tech.
Jennifer DodsonjndodsoEducation
Jamie Wielandjwiela2Engineering
Kylea Perkinskaperk1Fine Arts
Kendra Chaneykchane1Fine Arts
Kathryn SimskesimsBusiness
Lori AdamsljadamsFine Arts
Lauren LowelllmlowelFine Arts
Lisa TranelltranelArts & Science
Mohamed Nur-AwalehmanurawEducation
Marta Ascheriomasche2Applied Sci. and Tech.
Madison BrendalmebrendFine Arts
Michael Barrowcloughmjbarr4Applied Sci. and Tech.
Mohammed Karim Mrani AlaouimmraniaArts & Science
Micheal Rowleymprowl1Applied Sci. and Tech.
Nesrin OzalpnozalpEngineering
Peter KaufmanpkaufmaEngineering
Pruthikrai MahatanankoonpmahataApplied Sci. and Tech.
Pranshoo SolankipsolankEngineering
Robert Grahamragrah1Arts & Science
Rachel HockenberryrahockeFine Arts
Ryan BrownrbrownEducation
Ronald GuidryrguidryBusiness
Rocio RivadeneyrarrivadeArts & Science
Sarah BoesdorfersbboesdArts & Science
Scott SeemansseemanArts & Science
Shelby Jedele PuttssjedelArts & Science
Sara O'DowdstodowdArts & Science
Tyler KybartastjkybarApplied Sci. and Tech.
Thomas MarkotjmarkoFine Arts
Teresa FowlertmfowleApplied Sci. and Tech.
Terry NoeltnoelBusiness
Uttam MannaumannaEngineering
Vijaya Kumar DevabhaktunivdevabhEngineering
Library Approvers (or Signing Authority)
Susan Franzensrfranz
Library Viewers
Anne Shelleyaeshell
Chad Buckleycebuckle
Caitlin Stewartcjstew1
Christopher Worlandcjworla
Danielle Futoran Turosdmfutor
Grace Allbaughgkallba
Heather Koopmanshrkoopm
Julie Murphyjamurph
Joshua Newportjcnewpo
Jean MacDonaldjmacdon
Kent LaCombekelacom
Rebecca Fitzsimmonsrlfitzs
Sarah Frenchsfrench
Sharon Van Der Laansjvande
Susan Franzensrfranz
Vanette Schwartzvmschwa
Council for Teacher Education Chair (or Signing Authority)
Allison Kroeschamkroes
Council for Teacher Education
Amanda Cullenalmille
Allison Kroeschamkroes
Albert Stablerastable
Dianne Renndcrenn
Nesrin Bakirnbakir
Rocio Rivadeneyrarrivade
Stephen Weisersmweis1
Council for General Education Chair (or Signing Authority)
Gregory Ferrencegferren
Soemer Simmonssrsimmo
Council for General Education
Allison Meyeraameyer
Anuashine Chefor Ellisaelli10
Amy Hurdarhurd
Brian Rejackbrejack
Brian Aitkenbtaitke
Celeste Berardicberard
Erik Maldonadoemaldo4
Gregory Braswellgsbrasw
Haiyan Xiehxie
Julie Murphyjamurph
Jamel Campbelljcamp14
Joshua Newportjcnewpo
Katherine Krcmarikklkrcma
Linda Clemmonslmclemm
Rocio Rivadeneyrarrivade
Soemer Simmonssrsimmo
Zakkary Clarkzrclark
AMALI Committee Chairs
Amy Hurdarhurd
AMALI Committee Members
IDEAS Committee Chairs
Chelsea Boyercakuehn
IDEAS Committee Members
Ann Haugoahaugo
Amy Hurdarhurd
Chelsea Boyercakuehn
Ellis Hurdehurd
Kimberly Schneiderktschne
Rocio Rivadeneyrarrivade
Stephen Weisersmweis1
Soemer Simmonssrsimmo
Miranda Linymlin
College Viewer
Janet TulleyjatulleFine Arts
Jennifer DodsonjndodsoEducation
Teresa FowlertmfowleApplied Sci. and Tech.