Delete Undergraduate Course Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. College Curriculum Committee
4. College Dean
5. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
6. Circulation
7. University Curriculum Executive Secretary
8. Graduate School (Courses also desiring graduate credit)
9. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

Delete Undergraduate Program Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. College Curriculum Committee (If not IDS; otherwise, Council on General Education)
4. College Dean (If not IDS; otherwise, Council on General Education)
5. Council on General Education (if appropriate)
6. Council for Teacher Education (if appropriate)
7. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
8. Circulation
9. University Curriculum Committee
10. Academic Senate (if appropriate)
11. Provost Office (if appropriate)
12. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

New Undergraduate Course Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. Cross-Listed Department Chair(s)/School Director(s) (if appropriate)
4. College Curriculum Committee (If not IDS; otherwise, Council on General Education)
5. College Dean (If not IDS; otherwise, Council on General Education)
6. Council on General Education (if appropriate)
7. Council for Teacher Education (if appropriate)
8. AMALI Committee (if appropriate)
9. IDEAS Committee (if appropriate)
10. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
11. Circulation
12. University Curriculum Committee Executive Secretary
13. Graduate School (Courses also desiring graduate credit)
14. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

New Undergraduate Program Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. Interdisciplinary Studies Department Chair(s)/School Director(s) (if appropriate)
4. College Curriculum Committee (If not IDS; otherwise, Council on General Education)
5. College Dean (If not IDS; otherwise, Council on General Education)
6. Council on General Education (if appropriate)
7. Council for Teacher Education (if appropriate)
8. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
9. Circulation
10. University Curriculum Committee
11. Graduate Curriculum Committee (if integrated program)
12. Director of the Graduate School (if integrated program)
13. Academic Senate (if appropriate)
14. Provost Office (if appropriate)
15. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

New Temporary Undergraduate Course Proposal

1. Department Chair/School Director
2. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Review
3. University Curriculum Committee Executive Secretary
4. Graduate School (Courses also desiring graduate credit)
5. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

Revise Undergraduate Course Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. Cross-Listed Department Chair(s)/School Director(s) (if appropriate)
4. College Curriculum Committee (If not IDS; otherwise, Council on General Education)
5. College Dean (If not IDS; otherwise, Council on General Education)
6. Council on General Education (if appropriate)
7. Council for Teacher Education (if appropriate)
8. AMALI Committee (if appropriate)
9. IDEAS Committee (if appropriate)
10. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
11. Circulation
12. University Curriculum Committee Executive Secretary
13. Graduate School (Courses also desiring graduate credit)
14. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

Revise Undergraduate Program Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. Interdisciplinary Studies Department Chair(s)/School Director(s) (if appropriate)
4. College Curriculum Committee (If not IDS; otherwise, Council on General Education)
5. College Dean (If not IDS; otherwise, Council on General Education)
6. Council on General Education (if appropriate)
7. Council for Teacher Education (if appropriate)
8. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
9. Circulation
10. University Curriculum Committee
11. Director of the Graduate School (if integrated program)
12. Academic Senate (if appropriate)
13. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

Delete Graduate Course Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. College Curriculum Committee
4. College Dean
5. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
6. Circulation
7. Director of the Graduate School
8. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

Delete Graduate Program Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. College Curriculum Committee
4. College Dean
5. Council for Teacher Education (if appropriate)
6. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
7. Circulation
8. Graduate Curriculum Committee
9. Director of the Graduate School
10. Academic Senate (if appropriate)
11. Provost Office (if appropriate)
12. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

New Graduate Course Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. Cross-Listed Department Chair(s)/School Director(s) (if appropriate)
4. College Curriculum Committee
5. College Dean
6. Council for Teacher Education (if appropriate)
7. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
8. Circulation
9. Director of the Graduate School
10. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

New Graduate Program Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. College Curriculum Committee
4. College Dean
5. Council for Teacher Education (if appropriate)
6. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
7. Circulation
8. Graduate Curriculum Committee
9. Director of the Graduate School
10. Academic Senate (if appropriate)
11. Provost Office (if appropriate)
12. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

New Temporary Graduate Course Proposal

1. Department Chair/School Director
2. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Review
3. Director of the Graduate School
4. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

Revise Graduate Course Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. Cross-Listed Department Chair(s)/School Director(s) (if appropriate)
4. College Curriculum Committee
5. College Dean
6. Council for Teacher Education (if appropriate)
7. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
8. Circulation
9. Director of the Graduate School
10. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

Revise Graduate Program Proposal

1. Department/School Curriculum Committee
2. Department Chair/School Director
3. College Curriculum Committee
4. College Dean
5. Council for Teacher Education (if appropriate)
6. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Circulation Setup
7. Circulation
8. Graduate Curriculum Committee
9. Director of the Graduate School
10. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Review
11. Academic Senate (if appropriate)
12. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Finalize

Editorial Request Proposal

1. Department Chair/School Director
2. Cross-Listed Department Chair(s)/School Director(s) (if appropriate)
3. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Review
4. University Curriculum Committee Executive Secretary (if not graduate revision only)
5. Director of the Graduate School (if appropriate)
6. Curriculum Committee Secretary - Makes Changes