Curriculum Forms
Illinois State University - Curriculum Forms Proposal Association
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Course Proposal Associations with Program Proposals
To associate a course proposal with a program proposal:
Program proposals must exist in the system before an association can be made. Ideally these program proposals are started before course proposals, but associations can be done later.
You need to be an initiator or coauthor of the program proposal to make an association to it.
Do not submit program proposals until all course associations have been made.
Create the new, revise, or delete course proposal you want to assoicated to a program proposal.
The program proposal will be listed on a create course proposal (new, revise, delete) page when:
User is either the initiator or coauthor of the program proposal.
Program proposal is in an editable state. You cannot associate a course proposal with a program proposal which has been submitted.
Check the checkbox next to the program title to associate the course proposal with the program proposal.
Uncheck the checkbox
This proposal is not associated with a program proposal.
Each proposal must be submitted individually. Submitting a program proposal does
submit associated courses.
It is recommended that course proposals be submitted before program proposals.
Associated proposals should be submitted at the same time.
Program proposals show associated course(s) when viewed.
Each proposal will be approved or rejected individually.